Project Swaraksha

India's Largest (tech-enabled) Vaccination Awareness program for Rural India - 2021

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Project Swaraksha | Solving Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural India
project swaraksha India's largest tech-enabled Vaccine Awareness program 2021 Project Swaraksha is a large countrywide campaign aimed to solve 'Vaccine Hesitancy' in Rural India AWARENESS Meet Villagers 1:1 and spread awareness data collection Provide CoWIN related digital assistance VACCINATION Redirect to Vaccination centre, get CoWIN certificate Tel: +91-9179020006 Email:

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What is the need of the hour? ▶️ Play Video


We are going door to door in rural homes. Our aim is to facilitate their visit to Vaccination centers.


A.) Objective

A large country-wide campaign that is professionally managed using technology-enabled data collection & tracking is required to motivate and vaccinate every rural citizen.

  1. Ensure Covid Vaccination of Rural people living in Villages (below <10000 population)
  1. Spread awareness about benefits of Vaccination in Villagers, reach 1 Crore rural citizens
  1. Try to answer their queries regarding Vaccination, and remove hesitance.
  1. Assist rural people (farmers, labor, etc.) get registered on the Co-Win website, assist them in booking appointments, and then ensure they actually get vaccinated.

For this exercise, the Indore-based company Anaxee Digital Runners is proposing the use of its Digital Runners network. The Digital Runners will be given incentives if they assist local villagers in going through the vaccination process (Register>Appointment>Vaccinate)

B.) Target People & Geography

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C.) Who will go on the field and assist Rural people?

Digital Runners

Anaxee Digital Runners will go door to door and encourage people to get vaccinated!

What is incentive for Digital Runners?

Digital Runners will be paid for every vaccination which happens on field.

Each step will be monitored by Anaxee's Mobile App, and complete transparency will be kept throughout the process.

👉 Around Rs.75/- will be total amount spent on every vaccination

D.) Sponsors?

Prime Sponsor: India' Crypto Covid Relief Fund -

Anaxee is inviting Individuals & Organizations as sponsors who would like to partner with us in this noble cause. We are inviting CSR arms of various corporate, industry bodies like CII, NASSCOM, TiE, ASSOCHAM, FICCI, Semi-Govt. organizations, NGOs, industrialists, Community Leaders to donate for this cause.

You can sponsor for 10 Villager or for 1000s of Villagers - all kind of help is invited

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E.) Process?

Anaxee will assign relevant villages to Digital Runners who are interested in executing this project in their nearby areas & surrounding villages. Runners will follow these steps:

All these Step 1 to Step 6 will be tracked using technology by Anaxee

Step 1: Awareness

Spread awareness and convince rural people for vaccination by throwing positive points of vaccine, through posters, pamphlets, promotions, etc.

Image showing demo purpose only

Step 2: Data Collection

Collect beneficiary information on Anaxee's mobile application with Geolocation of the people who are unable to register themselves and help on booking their appointment.

Step 3: Booking Appointment

Keep track of nearby Vaccination centers, Camps, and availability of slots on those centers. Make a booking for Villagers as and when the option is available. 😊

Step 4: Information transfer

After the appointment booked, inform villagers to visit the booked covid center at the right time for vaccination. This is because the booking slot opens for a very short time in the portal, so the appointment can be booked on any random day

Step 5: Ensure Vaccination

To keep in touch with Villagers and ensure they visit and get vaccination done. Later, Download their certificate from Co-WIN website, print it and handover to villagers. (either first dose or second dose).

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Anaxee Back Office work:

Step 6: Quality Analysis

Anaxee will conduct Quality Check of each and every single data and ensures quality of delivery. Some steps involved:

  1. Remove Duplication
  1. Ensure validity of Appointment proof and Vaccination certificate
  1. Ensure location of Villager is in target geographies
  1. Randomly call Villagers and check their experience
  1. Reduce any risk, and ensure no fraud happens during the process

Step 7: Reporting

Reporting will be via live Dashboards, charts etc.

Click for Live Dashboard

Live Dashboard available now - Click

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F.) Tech Implementation

  1. Anaxee Digital Runners App for capturing beneficiary Name, ID etc. for registration purpose with location to ensure geography-

2. CoWin portal for beneficiary registration and schedule appointment

3. Backend tools to manage data and quality analysis.

Image is for demo purpose only

4. Reporting: Live Dashboards, Maps etc. to review data and flow of the project.

Image is for demo purpose only

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G.) Donation / Payment Options

Around Rs.75/- will be total amount spent on every vaccination

Please donate in multiples of Rs.75/- | Minimum amount: Rs.750/-


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H.) Contact

For making donations and other Commercial discussion for this initiative:

Govind Agrawal

Founder & CEO, Anaxee Digital Runners Pvt. Ltd., Indore, India

Mobile: +91-9630020005, Email:,

Address:, 301, Third Floor, Satyaraj Complex, 18-PU3, AB Rd, Opp C-21 Mall, Scheme No 54, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010


Anaxee is inviting sponsors who would like to partner with us in this noble cause. We are inviting CSR arms of various corporate, industry bodies like CII, NASSCOM, TiE, ASSOCHAM, FICCI, Semi-Govt. organizations, NGOs, industrialists, Community Leaders to donate for this cause.

👉 Anaxee Presentation: Click:

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